University of Sydney
The activities of the NCCC include
- Research
- Projects in partnership with Aboriginal organisations
- Programs and courses for students
- Online and face to face cultural competence modules for University staff
- Public events
- Talks and conferences
- Expert advice for external organisations
Cox Inall Ridgeway collected views from a wide range of stakeholders including: NCCC partners, visiting scholars, University of Sydney staff, past and current NCCC staff, members of the University of Sydney Executive, experts in race relations and/ or cultural competence and local Aboriginal organisations.
The review included stakeholder mapping, in-depth interviews, a desktop analysis and two surveys of different staff groups across the University. As a part of the project, Cox Inall Ridgeway provided detailed reports collating and analysing the data and presenting both an overview and case studies of the NCCC’s activities. The final confidential review report for the University Executive included detailed recommendations and a draft Strategic and Business Plan framework for 2019-2023.