Attorney-General's Department

Independent National Review of the Indigenous Legal Assistance Program

Cox Inall Ridgeway conducted an independent national review of the Indigenous Legal Assistance Program (ILAP) for the Commonwealth Attorney-General’s Department in late 2018 and early 2019.

The ILAP provides the primary funding for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services across Australia, to deliver frontline legal services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults, children and their families.

Cox Inall Ridgeway conducted national consultations with Aboriginal Legal Service lawyers, community liaison officers, magistrates and government representatives. Additionally, we conducted observations and interviews in 25 urban, regional and remote locations including bush courts, local courts, Koori and Nunga courts, and Aboriginal community-controlled organisations.

The review included detailed research and analysis of what is driving Indigenous over-representation in the criminal justice system, the barriers to access to justice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and best practice service delivery models.

Cox Inall Ridgeway worked closely with a reference group of national peak bodies, community-controlled organisations and government representatives. The review was conducted in coordination with the independent review of the National Partnership Agreement, which provides funding for Legal Aid and Community Legal Centres. The final report made both high level strategic recommendations and practical operational recommendations to strengthen the program.

A copy of Cox Inall Ridgeway’s independent review report can be accessed HERE: