community stakeholder engagement


australian football league

In 2018, The State of Victoria and Australian Football League (AFL) committed to provide $225 million for the Marvel Stadium Upgrade project in Docklands, Victoria. The AFL engaged Cox Inall Ridgeway to oversee the collaborative and meaningful engagement process with the Dockland’s Traditional Owner Groups, to enable cultural contribution and participation, and to inform key design outcomes for the Marvel Stadium Upgrade.

See Case Study

NSW Department of Premier & Cabinet

Cox Inall Ridgeway was engaged to assist the Department of Premier and Cabinet to prepare, facilitate and report on a two-day co-design workshop with the Shoalhaven Aboriginal community as part of the Department’s Service Delivery Reform (SDR) Initiative. The Illawarra Shoalhaven is participating in SDR as a launch site, with a focus on Aboriginal child and family wellbeing (0-9 years), education and early intervention.

See Case Study

NSW Aboriginal Land Council

The NSW Aboriginal Land Council is the representative body for Aboriginal people in New South Wales. NSWALC is committed to supporting economic independence for Aboriginal communities through improved access to training and employment opportunities.

See Case Study