Referendum Council

‘Consultation for Recognition in the Australia Constitution’: Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
In 2017 Cox Inall Ridgeway was engaged to support the Referendum Council, to host digital consultations with the Australian community on the key options for constitutional reform.

This process involved:

  • Undertaking face to face focus group testing with Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians across regional, remote and metropolitan centres

  • Creating digital platforms to host conversations

  • Developing digital content and strategies to engage and inspire Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians to share their views on constitutional reform

  • Managing all social and digital channels

  • Continuously tracking and reporting on sentiment

  • Drafting content for social engagement with community members

In addition, Cox Inall Ridgeway undertook online research to effectively benchmark and track sentiment across Indigenous and non-Indigenous populations, to provide context to the conversation and determine how views may have changed during the consultation period. We also worked with the client and the Council to develop a ‘tone of voice’ for the Facebook page and worked in partnership to moderate the page.

The project was significant, as it was one of the first times the Australian Government had used social media platforms to engage nationally, to inform future thinking. The result was that close to 200,000 Australians engaged online with the question of constitutional reform.

Based on feedback from the research phase, Cox Inall Ridgeway in partnership with BWM Dentsu, created animated ‘explainer’ videos to clearly and simply explain what the options for constitutional reform meant. We also created other stimulus material to inspire thinking and debate about the options, including video content from the First Nations Dialogues that were happening concurrently to the Facebook campaign. Although the Facebook page for the campaign is no longer active, the five animated videos we created can be found here: